Yaron Bruvinsky

Actor and lecturer


Lectures and workshops.

Yaron Rubinsky, the lecture

The something that makes us do something
Until the age of 30, Yaron Rubinsky did not know what he wanted to do in life. And to this day he doesn't really know what made him start writing sketches one morning. From then until today, his career has developed from moment to moment, from action to action, from growth to growth.

One of Israel's leading television hosts and the one who hosted 150 episodes of the most successful Israeli television format in the world over 10 years, explains how time after time he found within himself this inner something that makes us get up and do, initiate and pave the golden path for ourselves.

During a 17-year career in television, theater, radio and the web, as a creator, as a presenter and as an actor - Rubinsky learned how to believe that we can do anything we really want.

An inspiring and empowering lecture, but also funny and fun, that will make you get up and do.
